
Testing made easy with MUnit Test Recorder

By Olga Kepa, MuleSoft Developer on Jul 29, 2020

Testing is a critical part of software development, ensuring early detection of bugs or any other problems within your code. However, for most of us it's the less favorite activity; it feels tedious and often repetitive. Furthermore, creating test for a large block of code can be troublesome, especially for beginners.

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5 crucial steps to successful API integration project.

By Katerina Misuta on Jul 22, 2020

API-led integration can propel your organisation to new heights; better customer service, increased efficiency and innovation are only a few of the benefits of a successful initiative.

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Top tips on running effective agile retrospectives remotely

By Andrew Murphy on Jul 9, 2020

How do you keep your retrospectives fresh and the team engaged? It is a challenge many agile teams face. As organisations adjust to running almost every meeting online, the issue of conference call fatigue is making this even more important. To run effective agile retrospectives in any climate you need an efficient delivery approach that will spur your team. Remote or face to face, it is essential to keep the retrospective short, focused and engaging - read on to find out how.

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How to acquire new customers - drive B2B sales during the COVID-19

By Alecia Ridout, Head of Sales on Jun 26, 2020

The last few months have been challenging for most Sales teams, and ours has been no exception. The uncertainty of the economic climate has led many businesses to hibernate. In the space of a couple of weeks, the market went quiet; projects were put on hold, budgets cut.

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Oracle APEX: Sending big texts to modal popups

By Rene Mikami, Senior Consultant on Jun 8, 2020

In my experience, when working with Interactive Grid, most of the times, we need to open a modal popup to interact with selected records (single or multi selection). For example, let say we have an Interactive Grid listing some records and you want a button which bulk updates all selected rows with the same value.

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Lessons learnt: co-managed services transition to 100% remote.

By Marta Monteiro, CTO on May 28, 2020

The weeks preceding the lockdown were tense. As a CTO at Infomentum, I am responsible not only for the internal IT but also for providing our customers with reliable and efficient co-managed services. My team had many ongoing projects, customers on 24/7 support contracts, and, on top of it, manage our transition to remote working to take care of. This was no easy task, but I was determined, there was no way we were going to let anyone down!

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MuleSoft TDD with the use of MUnit

By Spiros Pappas, Senior MuleSoft Consultant on May 20, 2020

Unit testing has always been an integral part of software engineering because it ensures that problems in the code are isolated and fixed long before they become an issue in production. With the introduction and adoption of Agile framework, unit testing has changed dramatically because of the test-driven development (TDD) methodology. TDD is a software development strategy in which unit tests are used to drive the development process. In this blog, I explain how to practice TDD and share some tips on how to write great unit tests using MUnit.

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9 easy ways to keep hackers away while working from home - cybercrime amidst COVID-19

By Marta Monteiro, CTO on May 15, 2020

While crime rates in the UK have dropped by more than 20%, cybercrime seems to be on the rise. Phishing related attacks are up by a staggering 667% compared to pre-pandemic February, and more than £2M has been reported lost by victims of Coronavirus-related scams. Despite common belief, not all cybercriminals are technology wizards who spend their days in a basement hacking into government servers. Some use simple tricks and social engineering, which hardly require technical expertise.

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How to run remote daily stand-up meetings with a touch of social.

By Anthony de Wouters on May 13, 2020

In our previous blogs, we described the transition to running projects remotely, explained the adjustments we made to keep effective communication with our distributed team and dived deep into practicalities of remote Agile Sprint Planning. We initially thought of dedicating this blog to remote agile stand-ups but in the end, decided to change the focus slightly. At times when 35-40% of adults in the UK have reported concerns about their mental health, and every second person worries about his/her wellbeing, it's crucial to support our employees. So, what exactly can be done? When it comes to staff emotional health, we believe there is no 'fits all' solution; it is a combination of small adjustments that can be weaved into every meeting or team interaction.

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Can you have engaging and effective Sprint Planning remotely?

By Andrew Murphy on May 5, 2020

According to the 6th principle of the Agile Manifesto: "The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation." So, does it mean that managing agile projects in the new world of large-scale remote working is impossible? Our answer is no! In the previous blog, we talked about how we ensure efficient communication with the home-based teams. In this blog, we discuss the important adjustments we’ve made to our remote Sprint Planning meetings as part of our Agile project delivery.

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