
Quote to Cash Automation - Improving Comparisons Using Algorithms

By Santosh Sundar on Jul 25, 2024

Occasionally, I’ll come across a project where I encounter an interesting challenge or two. In one of these instances, I was working on an automation project for a customer who wanted to ingest all of their quotes from different suppliers into their Salesforce application. The quote documents were highly unstructured PDFs and Excel files, requiring the design of a bot which would extract data from these files and ensure that mandatory information was loaded into the Salesforce application using OCR technology.

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My Journey with MuleSoft's Robotic Process Automation

By Siddarth on Jul 18, 2024


When I embarked on my latest project involving MuleSoft's Robotic Process Automation (RPA), little did I know it would be one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences of my professional journey. As someone who enjoys solving complex puzzles, I was eager to dive into the intricacies of RPA; however, I soon realised this project would test my skills and patience in ways I hadn't anticipated. Balancing work and personal life became crucial, as late nights and early mornings became routine. However, with a steadfast commitment to overcoming each obstacle, the end result was immensely satisfying.

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What’s New in Anypoint Code Builder?

By Olga Kepa, MuleSoft Developer on May 16, 2024

It’s been some time since my last blog on Anypoint Code Builder. Since then, there have been a number of changes made to the IDE, so I will guide you through the recent updates that have been made and compare it to previous versions. 

Topics: MuleSoft Tech API
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Migrating Projects to Mule 4

By Olga Kepa, MuleSoft Developer on Mar 28, 2024

Throughout the last three years of an engagement with one of our customers, we’ve migrated many interfaces to Mule 4. In this blog, I’ll share insights into my experience working on the design and development of Mule 4 interfaces.

Topics: MuleSoft Tech API
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Invoke composer flow from Salesforce Flow

By Giovanni Funaro on Mar 21, 2024

Composer Flows may be configured to be triggered by a scheduler, an event in the target system or HTTP invocation. Salesforce Flow actions can make HTTP callouts, so in this blog we will be demonstrating step-by-step how to integrate MuleSoft Composer with Salesforce Flow Builder for dynamic system interactions.

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Big data processing with MuleSoft

By Prashant Harbola on Jan 15, 2024


These days, data is everything. Organisations are always looking for new methods to use big data to make decisions in today’s environment. However, managing massive amounts of data is easier said than done. Never fear! This is where MuleSoft, an advanced integration platform, comes into play.

Topics: MuleSoft Tech
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Demystifying Bot Scheduling in MuleSoft RPA Manager

By Santosh Sundar on Dec 20, 2023


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) progresses through distinct phases in its project life cycle. When it enters the production deployment phase, the bots are deployed onto dedicated machines to carry out end-to-end automation. It is at this stage that scheduling comes into the picture, guiding bots on when to run and on which machine.

The scheduling step is relevant for bots that run in an unattended/automatic way at specific intervals (often many times a day!). However, it does not apply to bots that are attended or triggered by human or system actions.

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A beginner's journey into RPA and complimentary AI technology

By Giovanni Funaro on Nov 17, 2023

Plunging head-first into the world of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) would make anyone feel uneasy. With a scientific and mathematical background and experience with Python, I was overwhelmed by the unfamiliar terrain of new technology in the corporate tech world.

But, interested in the world of RPA and how it could potentially transform the way we work, I adjusted my mindset to being ok with feeling uncomfortable.

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Anypoint Code Builder for Desktop

By Olga Kepa, MuleSoft Developer on Nov 7, 2023

What does Anypoint Code Builder look like for the Desktop release?

Topics: MuleSoft Tech API
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Salesforce World Tour 2023 and AI

By Rebeca Reza Montoya on Aug 2, 2023

It has been a year since I joined the Salesforce Ecosystem, and despite the eventful past year, I recently had the opportunity to attend one of the big Salesforce events, Salesforce World Tour 2023, for the first time. The day was filled with action and had a lot going on simultaneously, making it a highly recommended experience for anyone involved with or interested in learning more about Salesforce.

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