
Challenges with Clipboard Crosstalk

By Santosh Sundar on Jul 11, 2024


Not long ago, our team came across a surprising new issue when running bots in live VMs. To provide some context, by default each VM deployed for automation has 2 user accounts that can work concurrently. In this case, we deployed 2 parallel instances of the bot to optimise the throughput. 

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The hidden cost of in-house IT support

By Samantha Schwab on Oct 3, 2023

Are you considering building internal IT support? Hold on - this won’t be as cost-efficient as you think! While you might believe in-house is the winning strategy for your technology, there are dozens of hidden expenses you’ll be surprised by.

Topics: Support
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How to make Customer Satisfaction Surveys work for you.

By Sital Athwal, Client Services Manager on Mar 8, 2020

"Your most unhappy customers are the greatest source of learning."
quote from a wise Customer Service Manager

Which type of customer are you?

Imagine you receive an email with the subject "Customer Satisfaction Survey". How does it make you feel? How do you respond?

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Happy customers make our day

By Katerina Misuta on Oct 17, 2019

Today I was greeted by a happy grin on Dan’s face, Dan Shepherd is our Head of Delivery. He and his team had a reason to smile - in one day they received fantastic feedback from several of our customers.

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