In our study conducted by Censuswide, 1002 desk-based office workers were quizzed on their attitudes to websites, technology and the workplace. Over half of the respondents to the survey were defined as Generation C. But just how are we defining them?
According to Brian Solis, a digital analyst, anthropologist and futurist:

“This is the dawn of Generation C, where 'C' represents a connected society based on interests and behaviour. Gen C is not an age group, it’s a lifestyle. While social networks are the fabric of online relationships, it is how technology affects everyday activity. What’s most important for you to understand is that Gen C is different.
They put the 'me' in social media. They’re always on. They rely on the shared experiences of strangers to guide their actions. And, they know that other Gen C’ers rely upon their shared experiences to find
Generation C
Gen C are always connected, computerised and clicking. They are social media savvy, with 86% using social networking sites to interact with friends, family and peers.
Not surprisingly, Gen C will own abundance devices including tablets, laptops, smartphones and smart TVs. But it’s not just the fact that Gen C own these devices – they’ll quickly become bored of them too, with almost 80% admitting they’ll buy a new gadget even if there is nothing wrong with the old model. This desire to stay on top of the latest digital trends defines Generation C.
And with all of these devices, the connected generation
What does all of this mean for businesses? How can you engage Generation C as your customer and your employee? Download the full report ‘Generating Success with Generation C’.