77% of users claim they leave a site immediately if they experience any difficulty. It’s a shocking stat. One that perfectly illustrates the need for business to continually improve and innovate to keep up with progressive consumer demands.
But I hear what you’re thinking. We've heard this before, but how do we know where consumers will go next? The truth is, nobody knows what 2020 holds. To gain insight into what the market is expecting, Infomentum carried out a survey with over 1000 office workers to look into their opinions, behaviours and expectations for 2020 as both a customer and an employee.
We’re all Generation C
In case you hadn't noticed, age demographics are over. In the age of Generation C, the connected generation, it’s all about linking people through their shared behaviour, interests and expectations. Back in 2014, when we carried out research into Gen C, 54% of respondents identified themselves as part of the connected generation. With the internet embedded in every area of our lives and digital technology booming fast, the Gen C demographic will only continue to grow.
So much, in fact, that the research predicts that by 2020, Generation C will be the dominant psychographic amongst both customers and the workforce. What is Gen C expecting from you?
Buying into 2020
In 2020, it’s not going to be enough that your website is mobile-ready; mobile will mean more than just a smartphone. With hyper-connected consumers who are always on the move, they’ll expect an overhaul of the whole buying process.

What does it mean for businesses?
We’ll come back to your website because let’s face it if your website isn't ready now then it’s time to start working quickly or risk being left behind in the digital boom. It’s not about jumping straight into the 2020 sale by buying into all of the latest technology with no roadmap. Businesses need a solid strategy, a vision and a set of goals to achieve this. Armed with this, you can assess the state of play in your business currently, identifying gaps between where you are now and where you want to be. Then, and only then, is it time to look at technology?
Read more on how you can prepare your business for 2020 in the full report: ‘Beyond Digital: what’s next for businesses in 2020?’.