Digital Disruption: the Elephant in the Boardroom

By Infomentum on Oct 9, 2014

With digital at the forefront of businesses minds, ‘digital disruption’ are the buzzwords on senior business leader’s lips. But what is it, and what does it mean for your business?

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The Importance of Information Governance

By Infomentum on Sep 25, 2014

For some, information governance is a necessary but boring part of the Information Management and Content Management strategy.  For others, it’s the piece of the puzzle that creates the framework and culture to a strong and effective way to managing your corporate information.

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Putting Your Users in the Driving Seat

By Infomentum on May 22, 2014

Research shows that a personalised web experience can increase click through rates by up to 300%. But how do you go about creating end-user driven navigation and search that works?

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