Have you ever come across Supermums? Get ready for an incredible journey as I reveal the life-changing impact of Supermums. From moments of doubt to a thriving career come along as I embrace the unknown and explore endless possibilities.
When I was young, I could never imagine living anywhere other than Mexico. I love my small town and my extended family of numerous cousins and aunties. I always enjoy our reunions for whatever excuse we can find. Still, this year marks 11 years of living in the UK.
How I turned out in this country? Maybe a story for another time! But let me share a little bit about my background and how I’ve managed to relaunch my career in tech.
Before coming to the UK, I worked as an English teacher and obtained two Bachelor's Degrees in Business Administration and Special Needs Education. Upon arriving in the UK, I continued working in a College for young adults with special needs, which gave me great insight into the community and local culture. After a few years, I had my first child, Maya, and three years later, Axel came to complete our family. Fast forward to last year (2022), when Axel started full-time education, I felt ready to restart my career and return to work.
Time for a change
It was a decisive time full of questions and insecurities. As a stay-at-home mum for such a long time, I had many questions swirling in my head: Should I go back to teaching because I really enjoyed it? Should I work full-time or part-time? How would my career look in the long term? What would I do if the kids got sick?
Furthermore, my husband's global position meant his schedule didn't always align with the daily activities of the children, and I would still have to carry out the same motherly caring activities most of the time. With all these questions, I was almost convinced to go back to teaching, thinking that having the "same" schedule as my children would benefit us all. However, that's when my husband introduced me to Supermums, and it was a game changer!
Supermums and Salesforce
Supermums? Salesforce for mums? Immediately, I was drawn into investigator mode, wanting to know more. Despite my husband working in the technology sector for a long time, I had never considered it as an option. However, when it came to answering all the questions in my head, the Supermums team did a great job of dissipating my doubts and planting a seed of confidence that has grown immensely since then.
The learning process
I became determined and motivated, believing that I could do it and that I would be supported along the way if I struggled or even if I decided it wasn't for me. So, I joined the Salesforce Admin course, and as I delved into the weekly online training, monthly career coaching and mentoring, I found myself enjoying the learning process.

The more I immersed myself in Trailhead, the more I understood how things worked. And I know I'm not alone in this feeling because I've seen and heard from others that Trailhead is truly "addictive" and serves as a bridge that connects "non-technical" people to the world of technology. The "click not code" approach made it feel achievable and approachable. Earning badges and receiving virtual confetti became a fun motivator. Learning has become a never-ending process, one of the key factors that makes it so successful – you are constantly building on top, and no matter how long it takes to absorb knowledge or solve an issue, once it "clicks," it feels glorious!
My work experience and getting my certification
As part of my training, I had the opportunity to work with a non-profit organisation, gaining real-world experience. One of my main challenges was the lack of clear direction on how to proceed with a project. There was a multitude of tasks to be done, and I had to understand the priorities and deliver something valuable within a short period of time. This pushed me out of my comfort zone, where I had to prove that I could handle the job. The mental effort and focus required helped me overcome obstacles and complete the tasks at hand.
I believe that a "can do" attitude is key to progress, as is asking for help. Personally, I can be a bit stubborn at times, insisting on exhausting my own methods before asking for assistance. However, I have learned to recognise the importance of humility and that it's okay to seek help. We can't know everything, and that's where the Salesforce community plays a crucial role. For people like me, trying to break into this industry with little to no technical experience, we rely heavily on the community for support. We create a web of support that can lift us up when we feel down and help us move forward.
After weeks of revising and preparing, my objective was to earn my Admin certification, and I'm proud to say that I achieved it on my first attempt. It was a truly rewarding feeling, a milestone, and an accomplishment that holds great value to me.
This past year has been eventful and a time of introspection. When you decide to change careers, you need to know what you truly want and what you don't like. You also need to be willing to put in the effort to achieve your goals. As humans, we need purpose, independence and the feeling of self-sufficiency. When someone asks me why I want to work, aside from the money, the answer is simple: I enjoy it, and having a job gives me a sense of purpose. Recognition from my family, coworkers and bosses is incredibly rewarding. So, I keep moving forward. I no longer feel like I should be doing something else, and I can be a great role model for my children.
The job
Recently, Infomentum has given me the opportunity to kickstart my career. It's not exactly as an Admin as I had envisioned, but rewarding careers can take many paths. Having a curious and open mind has led me to the world of process automation, where MuleSoft and Salesforce converge. I am thrilled to have this exposure in such a fantastic place to work. I have seen firsthand that Infomentum has always worked towards promoting equality and diversity in the workplace, and for that, I am truly thankful.
You can do it too
If you are in the same position I was last year – full of doubts and insecurities about coming back to work – I assure you that it can be done. I am living proof of that. I encourage women, moms, dads, and anyone feeling the need for a change to know that a flexible, rewarding career that accommodates your personal life can be achieved. Companies that embrace this approach do exist, and thank goodness for technology and Salesforce!
Being a Trailblazer
In the pursuit of our dreams and personal growth, taking risks becomes the catalyst for transformation. When we dare to step outside of our comfort zone, embrace the unknown and let the fire of passion guide us, we can seize the opportunities that come our way, trusting in our abilities so we can forge ahead fearlessly. With each risk we take, we unleash our true potential, opening doors to a future filled with endless possibilities. My fellow mums and Trailblazers, we embrace the journey, embrace the challenges and never stop learning.
Moving forward
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the people who have been close to me throughout this transformative journey, offering their unconditional support, encouragement and unwavering belief in my abilities. Their faith in me has been an incredible source of inspiration.
As I move forward, I aspire to reciprocate their faith by continuing to be a valuable member of the community, contributing my skills, knowledge and passion to uplift others and create positive change. Together, let us forge a path of growth, empowerment and shared success as we strive to make a lasting impact on the world around us.